Terms of Service

You are reading the terms of service (the “Terms”), which govern the relationship and serve as an agreement between you and us and set forth the terms and conditions by which you may access and use the Platform and our related websites, services, applications, products and content (collectively, the “Services”). Access to certain Services or features of the Services (such as, by way of example and not limitation, the ability to submit or share User Content (defined below)) may be subject to age restrictions and not available to all users of the Services. Our Services are provided for private, non-commercial use. For purposes of these Terms, “you” and “your” means you as the user of the Services.

The Terms form a legally binding agreement between you and us. Please take the time to read them carefully. If you are under age 18, you may not be allowed to use the Services.

Accepting the Terms

By accessing or using our Services, you confirm that you can form a binding contract with us, that you accept these Terms and that you agree to comply with them. Your access to and use of our Services is also subject to our Privacy Policy,

You can accept the Terms by accessing or using our Services. You understand and agree that we will treat your access or use of the Services as acceptance of the Terms from that point onwards.

You agree that you are solely responsible (to us and to others) for the activity that occurs under your account.

We reserve the right to disable your access to use our services at any time, including if you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms, or if activities occur on your account which, in our sole discretion, would or might cause damage to or impair the Services or infringe or violate any third party rights, or violate any applicable laws or regulations.

This Service is not the place to post, share, or promote any of the following, including:


Don't publish or send messages, videos or photos with damaging, threatening, misleading, defamatory, rancorous, aggressive, racist, vulgar, denigrating, indecent, insulting, violent, obscene or pornographic content.


Don't spam, don't try to recruit votes, don't send unsolicited commercials or chain letters and don't flood or write excessively long texts.

Illegal activities:

Don't share content for which you don't hold the necessary ownership rights. You are solely responsible for the content you publish and share. This app cannot be held liable if you share content for which you don't hold the rights.

Don't post racist, sexist or hateful remarks, videos or photos. We feel bad for you if you feel the need to do this in your life and this app is definitely not the place to do it.

Don't try to hack someone else's account. By committing such offences, you risk a prison sentence and/or monetary fine.

Don't offer prostitution or escort services.

Do not engage in child pornography. Don’t do this anywhere else either.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result either in a warning or blocking from the platform. Please be aware that we are not obliged to warn you before we do this. In case of serious breaches or if we notice you're under the age of 18, we will immediately block you from the site without leaving you an option to get your account back.

These guidelines are meant to keep this platform safe place for everyone. If you don't agree with them, please join another platform. And maybe do some soul-searching.

Please respect other users. While using our app, it is forbidden to:

  • Use profanity of any kind, behave in an inappropriate manner, and offend other users through either actions or words; Threaten other users in any way
  • No flirting
  • No pushing to send pics or contact details
  • No racism, bullying or violence
  • No sexual/abusive behavior
  • No spam

Vulgar or adult behavior in chat is unacceptable.

  • Users may not Display themselves in chat while naked or wearing underwear only.
  • Users may not Show their naked torso without also displaying their face.
  • Users may not Move their webcam below their chest area.
  • Users may not Display or flash their genitals or other intimate parts of their body.
  • Users may not Touch their genitals in sexual manner, even though their clothes
  • Users may not Suggest or ask other users for virtual- or cyber-sex.
  • Users may not Use words or phrases that may have obscene, vulgar, or sexual context.
  • Users may not Make gestures or take any actions that might be considered obscene.

Users of this app would like to see who they are talking to. Using irrelevant images or pre-recorded videos instead of showing yourself is forbidden:

  • Do not turn your webcam to face the screen of your computer, mobile phone, tablet, or television.
  • Do not face your webcam towards still pictures or any irrelevant images.
  • Do not face your webcam towards any text messages, books, or other forms of written text.
  • Do not use any webcam emulator or other software which helps you to broadcast irrelevant images and/or video instead of yourself.

All forms of spam are forbidden from the chat. You may not, at any time:

  • Broadcast or display advertising images or messages.
  • Request other users to take part in perform any actions on app outside LiveTalk - Random Video Call app.

Should another user violate the Chat Rules in your presence, you may:

Complain about the actions of another user along with an image and message. Based on the evidence, our moderators will make a decision on whether or not to ban the offender. Moderators are available to consider and react to complaints 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays.

Should a user receive numerous complaints about the violations of Chat Rules, system bans are in place to automatically ban offenders. System bans take into account numerous factors to avoids unfair bans or banning users by mistake.

It is essential that if another user violates the Chat Rules or offends you any way the issue is resolved by official complaint only. Do not attempt to resolve the issue by offending the other user in response or violating the Chat Rules yourself. If you do, you become violator also and are eligible to get banned.

Please Note: We are continually working hard and putting a high focus on preventing any violation of our Chat Rules and punish users who continue to breach them. However, we cannot be held responsible for the actions of all users and cannot guarantee that all violators will be banned. When you complain and report against violators, you are helping us make this app safer chat environment and helping us to find and remove all violators.

By using our chat service, you accept and agree to the Chat Rules mentioned above. We reserve the right to change or amend these rules from time to time. We will attempt to notify users of such changes. however, it is the responsibility of all users on This App to track these changes themselves.


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